
The first team building special training class activity has successfully ended
Classification:Company News Release time:2018-07-26 15:10:56
In order to strengthen team cohesion and facilitate more effective communication, the company organized a team building training from July 20th to 21st. During this training, we specially invited a professor from the Tianjin Municipal Party School to conduct this training for us.

In order to strengthen team cohesion and facilitate more effective communication, the company organized a team building training from July 20th to 21st. During this training, we specially invited a professor from the Tianjin Municipal Party School to conduct this training for us.



During the training process, the team members actively made progress, united and collaborated, brainstormed and made full use of their team strength, overcame numerous difficulties, and jointly completed the goals set in the training project. In the maritime distress game, we fully realized the importance of team collaboration and effective communication, and promptly listened to and adopted the opinions of others; During the training process, everyone exchanged ideas, inspired each other, and improved together, gaining a profound training experience. They shared the joy of success and the lessons of failure, and shared the importance of teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team. This training activity has come to an end, but the impact it has on us is far from over. This is not only a simple training, but also a spiritual baptism and a transmission of ideas.